Jean-Jaurès metro station

  1. Discover the majesty of the Jean-Jaurès station in Toulouse
  2. A strategic location
  3. What is the metro stop before and after Jean-Jaurès station?
    1. Capitole station
    2. Jean-Jaurès station
    3. Marengo-SNCF station
    4. Jeanne d'Arc station
    5. Jean-Jaurès station
    6. François-Verdier station
  4. Innovative architecture
  5. Line configuration
  6. How do I get to Jean-Jaurès station on the Toulouse metro?
  7. Notable works of art
  8. Which lines does Jean-Jaurès belong to?
  9. More information

Discover the majesty of the Jean-Jaurès station in Toulouse

Welcome to Jean-Jaurès station, the crown jewel of the Toulouse metro, with its strategic location, innovative architecture and captivating works of art. This Toulouse metro stop, on line A, is located in the city of Toulouse.

A strategic location

Located in the heart of Toulouse, the Jean-Jaurès station is located at the confluence of the boulevard of the same name with the Franklin-Roosevelt and Strasbourg boulevards. Its central location makes it a key node in the city's public transport network, facilitating the movement of residents and visitors.

What is the metro stop before and after Jean-Jaurès station?

Line A

Capitole station

Address: Basso-Cambo


Jean-Jaurès station


Marengo-SNCF station

Address: Balma-Gramont

Line B

Jeanne d’Arc station

Address: Borderouge


Jean-Jaurès station


François-Verdier station

Address: Ramonville

Innovative architecture

As soon as you arrive at the Jean-Jaurès station, you will be impressed by its peculiar architectural design. The lobby, in the shape of an open plaza, offers passengers a unique experience. Located one level below the street and open to the center of Boulevard Jean-Jaurès, the lobby creates a light and airy atmosphere, far removed from the confined atmosphere usually associated with metro stations.

Line configuration

The Jean-Jaurès station serves two main lines of the Toulouse metro: line A and line B. The section of line A stands out for its single central platform, which offers convenient access to travelers. With 10 platform doors and trains up to 26 meters long, this section guarantees an efficient flow of passengers.

The section of line B, for its part, stands out for its intelligent configuration. Using the "Barcelona" design solution, this part of the station has three platforms. The side platforms are dedicated to passenger departure, while the central platform is reserved for boarding. This provision allows waiting time to be considerably reduced, improving the overall efficiency of the service.

How do I get to Jean-Jaurès station on the Toulouse metro?



Notable works of art

In addition to its impressive architecture, the Jean-Jaurès station is home to two notable works of art that add a touch of beauty and inspiration to passengers' daily lives. The first, located on line A, is an anamorphosis created by the artist Felice Varini. This unique work is revealed at a precise point on the south staircase, astounding passengers with its surprising visual illusion.

The second work, on line B, is a magnificent fresco by Julije Knifer. Composed of rectangles that form waves of black and white colors over 30 meters, this fresco captivates the imagination and creates an unforgettable artistic atmosphere in the heart of the station.

Which lines does Jean-Jaurès belong to?

More information

Toulouse's Jean-Jaurès station is much more than just a transit point. With its strategic location, innovative architecture and notable works of art, it embodies the dynamic and creative spirit of the city.

Whether you are a Toulouse or a visitor, the Jean-Jaurès station is an experience not to be missed. Immerse yourself in its vibrant atmosphere and be inspired by its beauty and ingenuity.

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