Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer metro station

  1. Discover the Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer metro station in Toulouse.
    1. Geographic Location
  2. What is the previous stop and the next stop?
    1. Palais de Justice station
    2. Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station
    3. Empalot station
    4. History and Symbolism
    5. Traveler Services
  3. How to get to Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station on the Toulouse metro?
    1. Attendance and Intermodality
    2. Art Serving Urban Aesthetics
  4. Which line does Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station belong to?
  5. More information

Discover the Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer metro station in Toulouse.

The Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer metro station, located in the eponymous district southeast of the city of Toulouse, is much more than a mere passage point. Nestled near the former Saint-Michel prison, this station has historical and cultural significance that gives it a unique aura within the city's public transportation network.

Geographic Location

Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer blends harmoniously into Toulouse's urban landscape. Situated along Grande-rue Saint-Michel, this underground station is easily accessible from various points in the neighborhood. Its geographical coordinates, at 43° 35' 08" north latitude and 1° 26' 51" east longitude, make it an indispensable geographical landmark.

What is the previous stop and the next stop?

Line B

Palais de Justice station

Address: Borderouge


Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station


Empalot station

Address: Ramonville

History and Symbolism

Opened on June 30, 2007, Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer was named in honor of Marcel Langer, a man whose name is inscribed in the pages of resistance history. This designation, the result of years of mobilization and commitment, is a vibrant tribute to those who have made their mark on the city's history.

Traveler Services

Equipped with two facing entrances along the main street, the station warmly welcomes travelers. Its platform with 12 gates can accommodate trains of 52 meters with 4 cars, ensuring fluidity and comfort during travel. Modern amenities such as automatic ticket machines, an elevator, an escalator, and two staircases make access to the station easy for all users, regardless of their mobility needs.

How to get to Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station on the Toulouse metro?



Attendance and Intermodality

With over 2 million validations in 2018, Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer ranks as one of the busiest stations in the Toulouse network. Its accessibility, regular service, and connections with other modes of transport make it a true mobility hub in the heart of the city.

Moreover, its proximity to iconic places such as Collège Émile-Zola, Lycée Berthelot, or the Regional Hotel makes it an essential convergence point for many travelers.

Art Serving Urban Aesthetics

Beyond its utilitarian function, the Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer station enriches with an artistic dimension. A work by artist Michel Verjux, the play of lights that animate it gives this underground space a unique atmosphere.

Strategically placed projectors enhance the station's architecture and invite travelers to a unique sensory experience, thus demonstrating the importance of art in public space.

Which line does Saint-Michel – Marcel Langer station belong to?

More information

In summary, the Saint-Michel - Marcel Langer metro station embodies much more than a simple transit point. Laden with history, rooted in its urban environment, and enhanced by art, it constitutes a true symbol of Toulouse's identity.

A place of encounter, discovery, and sharing, it is at the heart of the daily life of the inhabitants and visitors of the pink city, thus contributing to shaping the city's cultural and social landscape.

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