Patte-d'Oie metro station

  1. Discover the Patte-d'Oie metro station in Toulouse
  2. Situation and History
  3. What is the metro stop before and after Patte-d'Oie station?
    1. Arènes station
    2. Patte d'Oie station
    3. Saint-Cyprien - République station
  4. Architectural features
  5. Redevelopment and Modernization
  6. How do I get to Patte-d'Oie station on the Toulouse metro?
  7. Services for travelers
  8. Intermodality
  9. Art at the station
  10. Which line does Patte-d'Oie belong to?
  11. More informati

Discover the Patte-d'Oie metro station in Toulouse

Welcome to the Patte-d'Oie station of the Toulouse metro, an architectural gem and a central transit point in the heart of the pink city. This metro stop is part of Toulouse metro line A.

Situation and History

The Patte-d'Oie station, inaugurated on June 26, 1993, is an essential element of line A of the Toulouse metro. Located in the square of the same name, in the district of the same name, it occupies a strategic position in the city's underground transportation network. Serving a constant flow of passengers, it recorded no less than 2,035,765 validations in 2016, demonstrating its importance in Toulouse's public transport system.

What is the metro stop before and after Patte-d'Oie station?

Line A

Arènes station

Address: Basso-Cambo


Patte d’Oie station


Saint-Cyprien РR̩publique station

Address: Balma-Gramont

Architectural features

This station, entirely underground, is distinguished by its functional and aesthetic design. Equipped with two side platforms, it provides easy access to trains running on line A. The platforms, with an operational length of 26 meters, can accommodate two-car compositions, thus guaranteeing efficient boarding and disembarkation of passengers.

Redevelopment and Modernization

Between 2017 and 2019, the Patte-d'Oie station was the subject of major works as part of the project to introduce 52-metre long trains on line A. These works required a significant expansion of the existing infrastructure, including expansion of platforms and the implementation of adequate security measures. Since January 10, 2020, the new trains, with a capacity for 320 passengers, have been in service, offering greater capacity and optimal comfort to travelers.

How do I get to Patte-d'Oie station on the Toulouse metro?



Services for travelers

The Patte-d'Oie station offers a range of services aimed at making travel easier for users. Accessible from the Place de la Patte-d'Oie, it has two entrances located opposite each other, thus guaranteeing maximum accessibility. ATMs are available for the purchase of transport tickets, while side platforms equipped with nine doors allow a smooth flow of travelers.


In addition to its crucial role in the metro network, the Patte-d'Oie station is an important interconnection point with other modes of public transport. It has several bus lines of the Tisséo network, as well as coach lines of the Réseau Arc-en-Ciel. This intermodality reinforces its status as the urban transport center of Toulouse.

Art at the station

In addition to its utilitarian function, the Patte-d'Oie station also houses a notable work of art, which contributes to the aesthetic enrichment of the urban space. Designed by the artist Noël Cuin, this work is made up of two flat volumes inside the station, as well as a twisted frame covered in bluish granite, located in the center of the square. This artistic integration demonstrates the desire to promote aesthetics and culture within the urban environment.

Which line does Patte-d'Oie belong to?

More informati

Patte-d'Oie station embodies functional efficiency and artistic beauty at the heart of Toulouse's public transport network. Its rich history, innovative architectural features and services dedicated to travelers make it an indispensable element of the daily lives of Toulouse people. Whether for a business trip or a tourist exploration, this iconic station remains an essential stopping point in the magnificent city of Toulouse.

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