La Vache metro station

  1. Discover La Vache: An emblematic Toulouse Metro station
  2. What is the previous stop and the next stop?
    1. Trois Cocus station
    2. La Vache station
    3. Barrière de Paris station
  3. History and meaning
  4. Architecture and design
  5. Passenger services
  6. How to get to La Vache station on the Toulouse metro?
  7. Access and intermodality
  8. Future projects
  9. Which line does La Vache station belong to?
  10. More information

Discover La Vache: An emblematic Toulouse Metro station

Welcome to La Vache, a metro station that embodies the very essence of Toulouse, the pink city. Located on line B of the Toulouse metro, between the Trois-Cocus station to the north and the Barrière-de-Paris station to the south, La Vache is much more than just a means of transport. Let's take a look at the history, architecture, passenger services and future projects that make this station an urban gem not to be missed.

What is the previous stop and the next stop?

Line B

Trois Cocus station

Address: Borderouge


La Vache station


Barrière de Paris station

Address: Ramonville

History and meaning

La Vache, whose name evokes agriculture and the deep roots of the region, has its origins in the story of Jehan Calmet, nicknamed "La Vaca" in Occitan, who owned a farm here. So the name of this metro station resonates with local history and evokes the symbiosis between past and present.

Architecture and design

Designed by architect Jean-Paul Ribes, La Vache station offers a unique visual experience. Its contemporary design harmonises with the urban environment while capturing the essence of Toulouse's art de vivre. A work of art by Corinne Sentou, displayed in the ticket hall, adds a touch of aestheticism and originality, making every visit to La Vache a sensory experience.

Passenger services

La Vache station stands out for the quality of its passenger services. The station has two entrances, providing easy access from rue Paul Verlaine and rue Marguerite Duras, as well as automatic ticket machines. Modern turnstiles ensure efficient control of access to the platforms, guaranteeing smooth journeys.

How to get to La Vache station on the Toulouse metro?



Access and intermodality

La Vache is part of the Toulouse transport network, offering connections with bus routes 59, 60 and 69 of the Tisséo network, as well as with the TAD 105 line. In addition, a 430-space park-and-ride facility facilitates intermodality and encourages the use of public transport. This improved accessibility will help to make La Vache an essential mobility hub for residents and visitors to Toulouse.

Future projects

The future of La Vache looks bright with the development of the Toulouse Aerospace Express. By 2028, the station is set to become a major transport hub, with the creation of a connection between line B and the future line C of the Toulouse metro.

This major project also includes the extension of the park-and-ride facility, the development of new cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, and the integration of contemporary works of art, demonstrating the city's commitment to culture and innovation.

Which line does La Vache station belong to?

More information

La Vache transcends its primary function as an underground station to become a place where past and future, tradition and modernity, converge. Its rich history, distinctive architecture and quality services make it a must-see in the city of Toulouse. Whether you're a local or a visitor, don't miss the opportunity to discover all the richness of La Vache on your next trip to Toulouse.

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